- 2019/07/24 2nd Interim Reports by MC2 will be held in the room D201. Messrs. Kanauchi, Nakahoshiba, Narumi and Muramatsu will have excellent presentations.
- 2019/07/19〜23 SXS experiments @ SPring-8 BL14B1 are planned. (RK, KN and IY)
- 2019/07/07〜11 IY will have a oral presentation in ICAVS10@Auckland.
- 2019/06/30〜07/03 XAFS experiments @ SPring-8 BL36XU are planned. (MK, TL, YZ and RN)
- 2019/06/24〜25 Soft XAS experiments @ NewSUBARU BL9 are planned. (TI, MK, YZ and IY)
- 2019/06/23〜25 Soft XAS&XES experiments @ SPring-8 BL17SU are planned. (TI, MK, YZ and IY)
- 2019/06/21 IY will have an invited presentation in Graphene Oxide Symposium @ Kumamoto University.
- 2019/06/15〜16 All members will participate 35th Lilac Seminar and 25th Young people exchange meeting @ Okobachi mountain villa, Otaru, held by ECSJ Hokkaido Blanch.
- 2019/06/08〜09 Public showing of the Graduate School of Environmental Science will be held with Hokudai Festival.
- 2019/06/02〜05 MK will participate and have an oral presentation in 15th International Symposium on Applied Bioinorganic Chemistry@Nara Kasugano Internatioanl Forum, "IRAKA".
- 2019/05/29 The 1st Interim Reports by MC2 students were held in the room D201. Mss. Nagai and Fujibayashi and Mr. Nishiyama well presented.
- 2019/05/27 Special Selected Candidate Entrance Examination was held in
Sapporo andTokyo. - 2019/05/26〜31 MK had an invited and an oral presentations in 235th ECS Meeting@Dallas, TX.
- 2019/05/20 TI, MK and IY carried out Soft XAS experiments @ New SUBARU.
- 2019/05/20 A paper concerning to electrochemical hydrogen evolution at Co-complex inserted in cycrodextrin, which has been carried out by Mr. Kon who graduated in FY2015, has been accepted in New J. Chem. Dr. Hirayama, who is an almni of Kamiya lab., is included in the authors.
- 2019/05/19 Soft X-ray Absorption/Emission Experiments@SPring-8 BL17SU were carried out. (MO, TI, MK, IY)
- 2019/05/15〜18 IY participated and presented a poster in the 80th Okazaki Conference "Chirality-induced spin selectivity and its related phenomena" @ Okazaki Conference Center. On May 17, almni association-like party with Messrs. Tanno, Tokuda and Hara was held @ 暴れん坊太郎東岡崎店.
- 2019/05/13 MK particioated the 1st FC-Cubic Seminar @ AIST Water Front Center.
- 2019/04/24〜05/10 Application for Special Selected Candidate Entrance Examination was terminated.
- 2019/04/22 This web site is now published, although English pages are still under construction...
- 2019/04/18 IY visited National Institute of Tech., Asahikawa Collage for Information Session.
- 2019/04/14〜17 IY visited Hiroshima Univ., NewSUBARU in Univ. of Hyogo, and SPring-8 for meetings with collaborators.
- 2019/04/11 Welcome party @ 夜空の味漬けジンギスカン
- 2019/04/10 Kick-off meeting of our lab. was held in the room C202.
- 2019/04/09 Educations for Safety and Research Misconduction were held.
- 2019/04/02 Entrance ceremony and guidance for new M1 students were held.
- 2019/04/01 New fiscal year was started, although new M2 students cannot be found because of job-hunting.
Members of FY2019
Professor YAGI, Ichizo
Assoc. Prof. KATO, Masaru
Assist. Prof. NAKATA, Kou
Secretary TSUCHIYA, Sumie
JSPS Resercher TADGELL, Colin A. (from 2020.02.01)
Guest Prof. OURA, Masaki
PD ISHIHARA, Tomoko (by 2019.06.30)
DC1* Sarker, Abinash C.
MC2* Li, Tianchi (by 2019.09.25)
MC2 NAGAI, Kanae
MC2 NARUMI, Asahi (by 2019.12.31)
MC1 ANETAI, Kazuki
MC1 ABE, Daiki
MC1 IGUCHI, Yoshimi
MC1 OKA, Sayuki
R.S. XIE, Si-Qu (from 2019.09.30)
R.S. ZHENG, Jinhang (from 2019.09.30)
Entrance from October*
1st Interim Reports by MC2 students 2019.05.29
Alumni association-like meeting at Higashi-Okazaki@暴れん坊太郎東岡崎店 2019.05.17
Welcome party @ 夜空の味漬けジンギスカン(focus on Nishiyama) 2019.04.11
Draft meeting for lecutures subjected by M1 students, instructor: Mr. Asahi Narumi 2019.04.03