iYagi Lab.

Graduate School of Environmental Science
Hokkaido University

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  • Hokkaido University

    Hokkaido University

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About iYagi Lab.

 Students of Yagi Lab. in both Master and Doctor courses are belonging to the Course in Environmental Nano-Materials, Division of Environmental Materials Science, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University. Our Graduate School does not have a department and, then, students from other universities and National institute of technology in Japan. Staffs are belonging to the Section of Materials Science, Faculty of Environmental Earth Science.

Location of iYagi Lab.

 Our research is carried out in the Buildings B and C in the Faculty of Environmental Earth Science (N10W5, Kita-ku, Sapporo), Hokkaido University, although experiments are also done in other buildings in HU, Synchrotron Orbital Radiation sources such as KEK-PF and SPring-8. The experimental results will be presented by students themselves or staffs in the international or domestic meetings and will be published in peer-reviewed journals.

Join our lab.

 We are looking for new graduate students for Master and Doctoral courses. We are welcome anyone who is interested in our research projects. Entrance examination in our division will hold 4 times per year: May: for 2nd grade students in Advanced course in National Institutes of Technology, August: Fall Entrance Exam., November: Fall Selected Candidate Entrance Exam. for undergraduate and graduate students, and February: Spring Entrance Exam. For details, here is the page for Entrance Exam.

iYagi Lab. are Focusing on Interfacial Physical Chemistry

Our targets are electrode/solution interface, polymer/solid interface, and Nanostructures.

Highly efficient electron transfer processes are investigated to realize Electrocatalysis and Chemical Energy Conversion, which are traditionally investigated in HU.